Nautique Liquid Herbicide - 1 gallon
Nautique is a fast-acting, economical herbicide that provides localized control of nuisance and exotic plants. This copper-based herbicide works on contact for spot and local treatment of tough weeds.
- Eel grass, Water celery, Hydrilla, Naiad, Elodea, Pondweed (several varieties) & more!
- Concentrated chelated copper product
- Controls variety of submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds
- Tank mix with a surfactant and apply with sprayer
- Available in 1 and 2.5 gallon containers
- 13.2% Copper Ethylenediamine Complex, 14.9% Copper Triethanolamine Complex (Metallic copper equivalent = 9.1%)
- Always read and follow label directions
State Restrictions:
- No shipment to AK, CA, CT, ID, HI, ME, MA, NH, NY, RI, VT, WA & Canada
Dosage Rate:
- 1.5-3 gallons per acre-foot